News and Announcements
Dear Parents,
Baldwin Academy will be holding a fundraising campaign, which will culminate with students participating in the Color Fun Run on October 2, 2024. The money raised is used for enrichment programs for our children, pays for transportation for fieldtrips and incentives for the Bulldog store.
This is an important fundraiser for our school and we need your help to make this campaign a success!
Your child has been given their own personal fundraising webpage. The address of your child’s fundraising webpage can be found on the Color Run webpage, go to the website , click on donate, then enter your child’s first name .
To raise money, share your child’s personal fundraising webpage address with family and friends around the world by email, Face book, Twitter, or any other method you prefer. You can also share your child’s webpage easily by clicking on one of the “Share” icons at the top right of your child’s personal fundraising webpage.
People with whom to share your child’s personal fundraising page:
· Family members
· Friends
· Colleagues
· Neighbors
· Etc...
Please help and encourage your child to surpass his/her goal of $50. Every dollar counts!
Many of you can help your children reach their goal with just a few emails.
Don’t forget to sponsor your child yourself now, as that will start them off to
reaching their goal!
The school, teachers, and parent volunteers are all working hard to make this campaign a success. Please take just a few minutes to do your part by encouraging and facilitating your child’s fundraising efforts. The fun run promotes a healthy message and teaches our children the importance of health, fitness and giving.
T-shirts sold separately. Stop by the office to order your shirt. Last day to order September 20, 2024.
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