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School Site Council/ Share Decision Making

Role of the Council:

The School Site Council (SSC) is a team of the principal (or designee), teachers other school personnel, parents, students, and community members, that develops the mission and goals for the improvement of an individual school community:

Responsibilities of the Council:

Write the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

  • Submit the plan for Board approval
  • Budget supplemental resources (categorical funds)
  • Implement the plan
  • Conduct a self-study – evaluate how successfully the plan meets stated goals
  • Revise the plan to meet the changing needs of the students
  • Review and allocate available supplemental categorical funds
  • Implement the revised plan

Responsibilities of Individual Council Members:

Regularly attend School Site Council meetings

  • Become knowledgeable and have a commitment to the Single Plan for Student Achievement and its processes
  • Actively participate in School Site Council duties, including serving on Standing and Special Committees
  • Be able to serve the full term for which you are elected
  • Communicate your knowledge and concerns to the School, the District, and the Community, thus becoming an advocate for improved public education and its changing needs